Tuesday 25 August 2015

New Shemboid album has arrived!

I have just uploaded the new album to Bandcamp and is available for download now.

"Dissonant Dissident" has eight tracks in all and runs to approximately 62 mins.

If you wish to hear it, you can either click on the Shemboid tab above
 - or -
click on the link below.

There are some CD-R copies.
It is a limited edition of 50, which are hand-numbered.
They are available now!

Monday 24 August 2015

Shem Sharples news

All the song-based music making I do is now on www.shemsharples.com

If you are interested in the singer of songs stuff, then pleas feel free to take a look on there for the latest info and upcoming gigs etc.   Generally the Shem Sharples thing is more active than the Shemboid thing at the moment.

However, the new Shemboid album is just getting printed up as we speak.... for more details, click the Shemboid tab above.

Have fun!